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Control Light

Rosco e-colour+ Diffusion

Roscotex Fabrics

External Resources & Links

Jay Holben and Kaity Williams American Cinematographer Part 1: ‘Diffusion Confusion’ - https://ascmag.com/blog/shot-craft/diffusion-confusion

Jay Holben and Kaity Williams American Cinematographer Part 2: ‘Alternative Diffusion’ - https://ascmag.com/blog/shot-craft/alternative-diffusion

Matt Porwoll, The Ultimate Diffusion & Bounce Test - https://blog.mattporwoll.com/the-ultimate-diffusion-bounce-test/

Lee to Rosco Filter Equivalents - https://emea.rosco.com/en/lee-rosco-equivalents

Don Mcvey, Lee Filters Diffusion Test - http://donmcveydop.com/cinematography-blog/2015/8/3/lee-filters-diffusion-test