3 | The Power of Vulnerability | Karen Sandoval Engler

In Episode 3 of Vision & Graft I sit down to talk to Karen Sandoval Engler, a Mexican actress based in Texas who I have collaborated with on a number of occasions including as the cinematographer on her first short film #Disconnected.

We begin by talking about how we met and reflect on the reception that Vision & Graft has had. We discuss the concept of bravery when it comes to discussing mental wellbeing and the power of vulnerability in both creative work and our personal lives. We go on to talk about how Karen started out on her creative journey as a child and the support she received from her mother. Finally we discuss our experiences of the editing process and the merits of choosing to be who you truly are vs who you think you should be.

I'm very grateful for Karen's open and honest approach to the discussion and listening to her experiences gives great insight, especially for any upcoming actors.

Vision & Graft aims to inspire action, give hope and normalise the discussion of mental wellbeing within creative sectors as well as more widely throughout society.


Karen Sandoval Engler Instagram| @karensandovale

Karen Sandoval Engler IMDB | Link

RWP Insta | @rwpreisner


Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or read in the episode notes.


4 | Trust Your Gut | Diandra Ferreira